المنتدى العربي
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Shut It Down Lyrics

اذهب الى الأسفل

Shut It Down Lyrics Empty Shut It Down Lyrics

مُساهمة من طرف Mr.Boss 17/2/2010, 10:14 am

Shut It Down Lyrics

i want everybody (akon) to get down cause we about to shut down

Cant tell me nothing now baby i know how to fly
Cant nothing hold me down im going to touch the sky
Cant nothing, hold me down
Cant nothing, hold me down (o-o-o-o-o-o-o)
Cant nothing, hold me down (o-o-o-o-o-o-o)
Now watch me, now watch me, now watch me shut this thang down

Sube, sube, hasta las nubes, pa'delante ante, no mires pa'tras

I hit the jackpot chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-ching

Real chicos do real things on the road to the riches
get diamond rings
moved up from the streets graduated hustla
on his way to an entrepreneur
undefeated done shooter

Now baby save me from the game before replacement
my life's a movie
call me martin scorcese

i can care less if you love me or hate
life's a bitch
now fuck you pay me

Sube, sube, hasta las nubes, pa'delante ante, no mires pa'tra

cant tell me nothing now
baby i know how to flyy (flyyy)
cant nothing hold me down
im going touch the sky

(o-o-o-o) (o-o-o-o) (o-o-o-o)


Lose my money honey
now pay me what you owe me mom is a hurricane
you should see the way she blow me
i don't make it rain
i speak that global warming this ain't no biggy
ready to that
number 5, there is no warning

Now baby save me from the game before replacement
my life's a movie
call me martin scorsese

i can care less if you love me or hate
life's a bitch
now fuck you pay me

Sube, sube, hasta las nubes, pa'delante ante, no mires pa'tra

can't nothing hold me down
im going touch the sky(skyy)
cant tell me nothing now
baby i know how to flyy(flyyy)
cant nothing hold me down
im going touch the sky(skyy)
(o-o-o-o) (o-o-o-o)

cant nothing, hold me down
cant nothing, hold me down
cant nothing, hold me down
now watch me, now watch me, now watch me shut this thang down

its my life imma do what i do and if you don't like it its cool fuck you
عضو جديد

العمر : 31
جنسيتك : سوري
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السٌّمعَة : 50
نقاط : 5377
تاريخ التسجيل : 31/01/2010

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